ICDL Thailand

Online Collaboration

ICDL Workforce

The Online Collaboration module sets out concepts and skills relating to the setup and use of online collaborative tools, such as storage, productivity applications, calendars, social media, web meetings, learning environments, and mobile technology.

Increasingly, technology is removing barriers to working with colleagues. Collaborating on tasks with people on the other side of the world is now possible using a range of web-based tools and services. The skills and knowledge that allows this collaboration to happen effectively are set out in the Online Collaboration module.

Module overview

Category Skill set
Collaboration concepts
  • Key concepts
  • Cloud computing
Preparation for online collaboration
  • Common setup features
  • Setup
Using online collaborative tools
  • Online storage and productivity
  • Applications
  • Online calendars
  • Social media
  • Online meetings
  • Online learning environments
Mobile collaboration
  • Key concepts
  • Using mobile devices
  • Applications
  • Synchronisation


What are the benefits of this module?

  • Covers the key skills needed to understand the main concepts relating to online collaboration and cloud computing.
  • Certifies best practice in effective use of online collaboration tools and mobile technology.
  • Developed with input from computer users, subject matter experts, and practising computer professionals from all over the world. This process ensures the relevance and range of module content.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  • Understand the key concepts relating to online collaboration and cloud computing.
  • Set up accounts to prepare for online collaboration.
  • Use online storage and web-based productivity applications to collaborate.
  • Use online and mobile calendars to manage and plan activities.
  • Collaborate and interact using social networks, blogs, and wikis.
  • Schedule and host online meetings and use online learning environments.
  • Understand key mobile technology concepts and use features such as e-mail, applications, and synchronisation


The detailed syllabus for the Online Collaboration module is publicly available, so that there is complete clarity about what is covered.

The syllabus document, which sets out the specific skills and knowledge that you will learn and against which you will be certified, can be downloaded here.

Sample tests

Do you want to better understand the Online Collaboration module and how we test skills and knowledge

Try out the Word Processing sample tests here to get a feel for the coverage of the module, or practice before your certification test.